Do I Need An Attorney For A First Time DWI In Minnesota? 

Contact Kevin DeVore If You’ve Been Charged With 1st Time DWI in Minnesota

A DWI charge is persecuted aggressively in Minnesota. As such, there are stringent penalties accompanying a successful conviction of the charge. For this reason, it is imperative to avoid the severe consequences associated with a conviction since it may ruin your record and, in the extreme, you may have your driver’s license revoked or suspended.

That said, to avoid conviction, you need to build and execute a successful defense against the prosecution. This is not always straightforward because the prosecution understands the law and will apply them to the charges. What’smore, they may table any evidence to the extent that they convince the court that you are guilty of the charge.

However, some of the questions that people grapple with are whether the law is stringent on first-time DWI offenders and whether they need a lawyer for a first-time DWI charge in Minnesota.

Here is what you need to know about a first-time DWI charge in Minnesota and why you need an attorney.

How is a First Time DWI charge Treated in Minnesota?

A first-time DWI is still considered a serious offense. Although you’ll not be considered a repeat offender, you are bound to face stringent penalties associated with the charge upon conviction.

To put this into context, the Minnesota court could charge you with the following :

Alcohol concentration between 0.08 and 0.16

If your BAC is found to be below 0.16, and you are a first-time offender, the charge is classified as a misdemeanor. As such, you are likely to face up to 90 days in jail accompanied by a $ 1,000 fine. What’smore, the court may decide to suspend your driving privileges for 90 days.

Also, if your BSC is below 0.16 but you have a child in your car, the charge is classified as a gross misdemeanor. As such, you are likely to face up to 1 year in jail and a $3,000 fine. In addition, you may face a charge relating to child endangerment, which is even more severe than the initial charge.

Alcohol concentration 0.16 or over

If you are a first-time offender and your alcohol concentration is found to be above 0.16, the charge you are likely to face is classified as a gross misdemeanor. In this case, the penalties include up to 1 year of jail time and a $ 3,000 fine.

In addition, some other sanctions associated with the charge include

  • Vehicle forfeited
  • One year loss of driving privileges

Do you need a lawyer for a first-time DWI charge in Minnesota?

The U.S constitution guarantees the right to obtain legal representation to assist you with your case. Noteworthy is that your law doesn’t coerce you to have such representation, meaning that you can defend yourself.

However, it is imperative to note that the criminal justice system is often complex. Sometimes, defending your case without an attorney may do more harm than good. Instead of securing a successful outcome, you may have additional charges on your back, which often result in stringent penalties.

As such, it is vital to have an attorney in any criminal case. Essentially, an attorney can help build a successful defense while you focus on your life.

Put briefly, an attorney can help you:

  • Understand the nature of your charges and the penalties
  • Understand your rights and point out any violations that may have occurred before your arrest
  • Build a successful defense.

Facing a First time DWI charge in Minnesota? Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney

If you or your loved one is facing a first-time DWI charge in Minnesota, it is imperative to have a competent and qualified criminal defense attorney by your side. To build a successful defense, you need a person with the right skills and knowledge to dispute any evidence tabled by the prosecution and invoke certain defenses that may help your case.

Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

Posted 3rd March 2022 by DeVore Law Office