Lake Elmo, Minnesota Criminal Defense Lawyer

Being under a criminal charge is a devastating experience that can drain you physically, psychologically, emotionally, and financially. The charges against you, the jail term, and monetary fines can cause anxiety or depression. It may also taint your reputation and affect your job and relationships.

If you or your loved one is going through a criminal charge, it is best to know what to do to get a fair ruling. In this case, it is best to work with a Lake Elmo, Minnesota criminal defense lawyer to guide and advise you. Read on to learn more about criminal defense and why you may need to consider working with an experienced criminal defense lawyer.

What Will a Lake Elmo, Minnesota Criminal Defense Lawyer Do?

Criminal defense lawyers play a crucial role in handling criminal cases. This is why it is imperative to hire an experienced lawyer who understands the legal processes in Lake Elmo, Minnesota, and can help you navigate your case with ease. Here are the duties of a criminal defense lawyer.

Case Investigation

A criminal lawyer will investigate your case, get facts and try to negotiate the best possible deal to bail you out, reduce charges or reduce your sentence. Without an attorney, you may not have the expertise and experience to negotiate the best terms and get a fair deal from the court.

Analyze Evidence

Being charged with an offense doesn’t mean that you cannot defend yourself and counter the accusations. A criminal lawyer helps analyze the evidence provided to determine the strength of the case. If there is any contracting information, the lawyer will generate facts and counter the accusations against you. The lawyer holds your best interest at heart and will do all it takes to analyze your case’s facts and theories.

Plea Bargaining

An experienced Lake Elmo, Minnesota criminal defense lawyer will be responsible for negotiating a plea bargain with the prosecutor. A successful plea bargain can get you a favorable deal to reduce the punishment or may eliminate some charges leveled against you.


If you’re convicted of a crime, a criminal defense attorney will work out an effective sentencing program and try to change it. The lawyer can discuss factors that could convince the judge to offer a favorable sentence. For instance, if you were to spend ten months in prison, the lawyer would try to negotiate it into a few months in prison and the remaining time in a drug treatment facility.

The Cost of Hiring a Criminal Lawyer in Lake Elmo, Minnesota

Some people shy away from hiring a criminal defense lawyer due to the fear of legal fees. But the truth is that going through the processes alone may cost you more time and money in the long run. In this case, it is best to hire a lawyer to walk the journey with you and help you get a fair ruling. Different factors listed below determine the legal fees you will pay your attorney.

  • Type of offense.
  • The complexity of your case.
  • Lawyer’s reputation, expertise, and skills.
  • Whether the case proceeds to trial or not.
  • Lawyers’ fee structure could be hourly billing or a fixed rate.

Different lawyers have different charges when handling different criminal cases. It is best to speak to your lawyer and inquire about their charges before signing the deal. This will help you make informed decisions and determine whether to hire a lawyer or not. You will also hire someone within your budget range and avoid struggling to meet their fee demands.

Speak to a Criminal Defense Attorney in Lake Elmo, Minnesota Today

Are you or your loved one facing criminal charges in Lake Elmo, Minnesota? We can help. Our criminal defense lawyers understand the legal processes within the region and will walk the journey with you to the end. Contact us today for a free consultation.