Oakdale, Minnesota Criminal Defense Lawyer

When charged with a crime in Oakdale, Minnesota, you may get anxious and depressed, not knowing how you will get over it and probably close the case within a short time. If you find yourself in such a situation, you have the right to defend the accusations leveled against you and get a favorable ruling.

One of the best ways to go about the case is working with an Oakdale, Minnesota criminal defense lawyer. Read on to learn various aspects of hiring an Oakdale, Minnesota criminal defense lawyer.

When to Hire an Oakdale, Minnesota Criminal Defense Lawyer

If accused of a crime in Oakdale, Minnesota, it is best to hire a criminal defense lawyer immediately. While hiring a lawyer at the time of the accusation may not be practical, it is best to consult with the attorney to know the right steps before the case goes further. This is even more vital if you are charged with a more serious crime because it will likely result in severe consequences.

Consulting with your lawyer earlier helps you understand the possible charges you may face. An experienced Oakdale, Minnesota criminal defense attorney such as DeVore Criminal Defense will advise you and walk the journey with you. The lawyer will navigate the case, negotiate the charges leveled against you and increase your chances of getting a favorable ruling.

Types of Criminal Charges that Require Legal Representation

Assault and Battery Charges

These charges vary based on the extent of injuries leveled against you. If someone accuses you of assault and battery, seek legal help immediately. If you try to defend yourself, you might end up in jail. This is risky if you lack legal knowledge. An Oakdale, Minnesota criminal defense attorney will invest in the case, negotiate and secure your freedom.

Drug Charges

Associating yourself with drugs can land you behind bars. It has stiff implications that can affect your relationships, job, and social life. The crime could be drug trafficking, distribution, and cultivation.

If you find yourself implicated in such a crime, speak to an Oakdale, Minnesota criminal defense attorney before it is too late. Here is what the attorney can do for you.

•    Show the drugs belong to someone else.
•    Prove insufficient evidence of the seized drugs.
•    Determine if the law enforcers conducted an unlawful search.

Once the criminal attorney presents the evidence to the judge, they can negotiate a plea. This is an ideal way to get a fair ruling and avoid harsh penalties, fines, and sentences.

Fraudulent or Financial Crimes Charges

Fraudulent and financial crimes include identity theft, forgery, insurance fraud, credit, debit card fraud, and wire fraud. You risk harsh penalties if charged with these crimes. In this case, it is best to hire an Oakdale, Minnesota criminal attorney such as Devore Criminal Defense to handle the case on your behalf. Even if you feel you aren’t at fault, contact your lawyer immediately for guidance and advice.

Alcohol Crimes

Many people in Oakdale, Minnesota, face alcohol charges for drunk driving. If arrested drunk or intoxicated while driving, you will likely face severe penalties, especially when you do not understand your rights. This is why it is best to speak to an Oakdale, Minnesota criminal defense attorney to guide you through the process.

If you are convicted of a DUI, you may lose your professional driving license. So, call your attorney as soon as you are arrested. Avoid handling the case alone because you will likely get frustrated.

Contact an Oakdale, Minnesota Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

No matter the crime you committed, it is best to let an experienced criminal lawyer handle the case for you. It will be easier than moving up and down trying to put things together without legal knowledge. Have you or your loved one recently been arrested for a crime? We can help. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Posted 6th April 2022 by DeVore Law Office